terça-feira, fevereiro 21, 2006


Montanha das costas partidas

Bom filme, boa perspectiva.

Só acho que não são cowboys, uma vez que nem sequer pastam vacas.
Como não há sheepboys acho que eles seriam mesmo era pastores.

Mais uma expressão, esta ouvi-a quando tinha 16-17 anitos:
"Há coisas que não se experimentam
...quando não se quer correr o risco de ficar a gostar!"

Com a contratação dos novos pagens... e tal...
Esta expressão fica estranha neste comentário... não?
Amiga Tangerita: "quem se queixa foi quem largou a ameixa"
A cowboy (Spanish vaquero) tends cattle and horses on cattle ranches in North and South America. The cowboy is in charge of the horses, as is the wrangler. In addition to ranch work, some cowboys work in and participate in rodeos, and many cowboys work only in the rodeo.

The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics collects no figures for cowboys, so the exact number of working cowboys is unknown. Cowboys are included in the 2003 category, Support activities for animal production, which totals 9,730 workers averaging $19,340 per annum. In addition to cowboys working on ranches, in stockyards, and in rodeos, the category includes farm hands working with other types of livestock (sheep, goats, hogs, chickens, etc.). Of those 9,730 workers, 3,290 of them are listed in the subcategory of Spectator sports which includes rodeos, circuses, and theaters needing livestock handlers.

In the beginning there was no difference between the working cowboy and the rodeo cowboy, and in fact, the term working cowboy did not come into use until the 1950s. Prior to that it was assumed that all cowboys were working cowboys. The early cowboys worked on the ranches and displayed their skills at the roundups. The word rodeo is from the Spanish rodear (to turn), which means roundup.

The advent of professional rodeos allowed cowboys, like many athletes, to earn a living by performing their skills before an audience. The rodeos also provided employment for the many working cowboys needed to handle the livestock. Many rodeo cowboys are also working cowboys and most have working cowboy experience.
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